Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lessons Taught

-some lessons can’t be taught, you must live it to be understood. If life were a book you will find it hard to believe that you didn’t found all the answers in your riddles in an all-in-one easy to carry book. Some of it you knew because someone told you, some are because you saw it, some was because you felt it and still a lot more. But there is something, you lived in it before you have learned it, sounds complicated but it is what it really is. Sometimes you will find in life that everything that happened to you was all a test. Everything was a skipping step, actually it really is, everything that you have done or that is done to you lead to something that made you step a little bit. Everything leads to another, or let’s just say that one thing leads to another. In life sometimes we just want to request if God can just give us the book of our life, everything is already written in it. We just read it, re-act it, do the right things according to the book and everything will be right and we will all be happy. But that’s not how it works. God gave us the free will, we can make our own choices and God would just let us. I think that is the hard part for God, in His book that is entitled to us, there is something else that was supposed to be written in it but we switched turns and wrote something else. That is how you live it for you to understand it. If you’re getting what I mean, what I’m saying here is, if God can just tell us straight face to face on what are the things that we need to learn He would, it’s just that we must live it so we can understand it full well. I’m not saying that God doesn’t care, and He wouldn’t guide us, of course that is a big “NO”. It’s just that God doesn’t want it to be hard for us, but the real thing is, it is up to us on what choices we make. And sometimes it’s just so disappointing to make the wrong choices, but God is a God of second chances and there are instances that even the second chance that God will give us is even better than the first one we had, now all we had to do is to make of what’s best on the second one, do the things that we never had the chance to do on the first one, don’t loose a single second. Lessons in life are easy and at the same time hard to learn, but it is impossible to be taught. Having things that you have already done doesn’t make you an expert on how life works. Each person has something to ask about their lives, so how does one person makes an expert on what life is all about. People share different lives, each has its own uniquely description on how their life cycles. Like mine I have my own and I’m sure you have yours too. What does life really have for us? I’m sure that it’s a mystery for us to unravel. Once it was said that “yesterday was history, the future is a mystery and now is a “gift” that’s why it’s called present.” So maybe we can view our life with what we have now as a gift. We can be thankful with the little things that we have now because maybe it will bring us good and big in the future, or maybe bad and just no sense, but no one knows what is ahead. Life is indeed a mystery that no one can teach. It’s only up to us in which we can learn by it. Live your life like your not gonna live in it twice. Some things don’t happen the same way twice, and you may never live your life the second time around. While you’re living the life that you have, make sure you learn a lot from it, because you’re the only one who can learn the things that your life will teach you. No matter where were going it starts from where we are, if it’s more to life then we got to listen to our hearts.

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